Original Article

Physiological disposition of iproniazid in mice

Roger P Maickel, Janell Seeger, Wayne R Snodgrass


The time-course of [14Clipro_niazid was followed for 96 h after admin-istration of a single dose (ip) to mice on either control or pyridoxine-deficient diets. Pharmacokinetic data showed an a-decay phase in plasma and tissues of 0.5-1.Oh and β-decay phases ranging from 13.5 t0 47.5 h. The β-phase half-lives in mice on the pyridoxine-deficient diets were decreased in plasma and kidneys and in-creased in liver,as compared to control diet animals. Covalent binding of iproniazid to liver proteins was increased in mice on the pyridoxine-deficient diet.

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