Original Article

Stimulation of central cholinergic neurons by (-)clausenamide in vitro

Wen-Zhen Duan, Jun-Tian Zhang


AIM: To study the neurotrophic effects of (-) and (+)clausenamide on frontal cortex neurons in culture.
METHODS: The activity of the choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) was determined by spectrophotometric method; protein content was assayed by Folin phenol method.
RESULTS: (-)Clausenamide increased the activity of ChAT and protein content in cultured neurons, as well as stimulated proliferation of neuronal cells, support survival and neurite outgrowth of neurons. The neurotrophic action of (-)clausenamide (0.001-10 mumol.L-1) was similar to that of nerve growth factor. The (+)clausenamide had no neurotrophic action, even at high concentrations (0.1-10 mumol.L-1), but neurons were damaged.
CONCLUSION: (-)Clausenamide stimulated central cholinergic neuron development.

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