Original Article

Effects of polypous umbellatus polysaccharides on glycogen storage, enzyme activities in glyconeogenesis and glycogenolysis of liver in mice bearing hepatomah22

Qun Wei, Guo-li Wu, Jian-chu Nie


Polyporus umbellatus (Pers. ) Fr. polysaccharides ip 400 mg/kg qd x5 drestored the glycogen content and the enzyme activities in glyconeogenesis of mice bearing hepatoma H22. The activity of liver glucose-6-phosphatase was elevated from 217+35 t0 267+12 ymol P/g protein/h, the activity of liver fructose-l, 6-di-phosphatase was elevated from 263+25 to 448 +56 hLmol P/g protein/h, but the phos-phorylase activity in glycogenolysis did not change significantly. Kinetic experiments with mice after a single dose further supporf:ed this result. It is concluded that the glyconeogene-sis in treated mice bearing hepatoma is augmented, resulting in a rise of glycogen storage in liver.

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