Original Article

Effects of polatus polysaccharides on liver carbohydrate metabolism and adrenocortical function of mice bearing hepatoma h22

Qun Wei, Guo-li Wu, Jian-chu Nie, Shu-yuan Song, Yu-zhen Bai


The number of hepatoma H22 cells in mice was reduced 39% on d 10 after ip Polyporus umbellatus (Pers.) Fr. polysaccharides 200 mg/kg, q 2 d. The plasma corticosterone, liver glycogen content and enzyme activities in glyconeogenesis in mice bearing hepatoma were restored by ip Polyporus umbellatus 200, 400 mg/kg, qd x5 d. There were no such effects on normal mice. It seems that such adaptogenic action of Polyporus umbellatus is the basis of its antitumor effects.

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