Original Article

Effects of recombinant staphylokinase on coronary thrombosis in Chinese experimental miniature swine.

Jian-Xun LIU, Xiao-Hong SHANG, Jian-Hua FU, Xin-Zhi LI, Gang WANG


AIM: To study the effects of recombinant staphylokinase (r-Sak) on coronary
thrombosis, cardiac ischemia, and myocardial infarction in Chinese experimental
miniature swine.
METHODS: Endarterium was injuried and coronary thrombi were formed gradually
through direct electrical stimulation on the coronary artery of Chinese
experimental miniature swine. Effects of r-Sak in vitro were studied through
coronary pathological section, microkinematography, multi media graphic analysis,
epicardial electrogram mapping, myocardium histo chemical stain, serum creatine
phosphokinase (CPK), and hemorheology.
RESULTS: r-Sak showed a remarkable effect on coronary thrombus. Compared w ith
the control group, the two dosage groups, r-Sak 0.45 mg/kg and 1.35 mg/kg,
reduced the transverse section area of coronary thrombus (P<0.01), lessened the
degree and range of cardiac ischemia (P<0.01), decreased the myocardial
infarction area (P<0.01), the activity of CPK and blood viscosity (P<0.05),
restrained platelet adhesion and aggregation, and reduced fibrinogen
concentration (P<0.05).
CONCLUSION: r-Sak could dissolve coronary thrombus obviously and lessen the
pathologic reaction of myocardium.

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