Original Article

Imatinib plasma trough concentration and its correlation with characteristics and response in Chinese CML patients

Qiu-bai Li, Chao Chen, Zhi-chao Chen, Hong-xiang Wang, Yan-lin Wu, Yong You, Ping Zou
DOI: 10.1038/aps.2010.79


Aim: To investigate the pharmacokinetics of imatinib in Chinese chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) patients.
Methods: Fourty-six naïve Chinese CML patients treated with imatinib (400 and 600 mg daily, n=36 and 10, respectively) were recruited. The correlations of imatinib (400 mg) trough plasma concentrations (Cmins) with the patients' characteristics and responses were analyzed.
Results: The overall mean (±SD, CV%) steady-state Cmins for imatinib at 400 mg (n=36) and 600 mg (n=10) daily was 1325.61 ng/mL (±583.53 ng/mL; 44%) and 1550.90 ng/mL (±462.63 ng/mL; 30%), respectively, and no statistically significant differences were found between them (P=0.267). At 400 mg daily, female patients had significantly higher Cmins than the male patients (P=0.048), and molecular responses were not correlated with imatinib Cmins, but they were correlated with time elapsed before imatinib therapy.
Conclusion: The results suggest that Chinese CML patients have higher imatinib Cmins than their Caucasian counterparts and that the optimal initial imatinib dose for them requires further investigation.

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