Original Articles

Effects of melitten on isolated rat atrium

Yu-Hong You, Zi-Qiang Huang, Chang-Chun Li


AIM :To8tudYtheefectsofmeliten(Md)onrat heart.
METHODS: The isolated rat atria were adopted. Before and after giving M el, t}le heart rate,contraction ofatrium,post-restomataretion and staircase were m easured.
RESULTS: Verapamil(V日 ) 0.1 ~tmol·L-1 was found to inhibit heart rate in the right atria of rats increased by M el20.0 mg·L~ . Inldtatriaofrats,the D0s£-rest o~ntracfon wa3 jnKbited na d typical positive staircase was markedly at tenuated by Md 2.5 m g ‘L~ . Md possessed negative inotropie elfecur on both t}le left na d right atria of rats.
CONCLUSION: Md posesed negative inotropie and positive chronotropicactionson rat heart.

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