Original Articles

Mechanism of scavenging effects of (-)-epigallocatechin gallate on active oxygen free radicals

Xian-qiang Yang, Sheng-rong Shen, Jing-wu Hou, Bao-lu Zhao, Wen-juan Xin


The concentration of 50% scavenging ratio (SC50) and the scavenging rate constants (k) and stiochiometric factor (n) were determined when (-)-epigallocatechin gallate [(-)-EGCG] scavenging superoxide anion free radical (O2.-) and hydroxyl radical (.OH). The mechanism of scavenging active free radicals of (-)-EGCG and the promotion of (-)-EGCG free radical and its structure were analyzed in vitro. Our results suggest that the centers of scavenging reaction of (-)-EGCG are B, D, and A cycles, and each (-)-EGCG traps six O2.- or .OH. It is in accord with the value of stiochiometric factor n = 6.

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