Original Articles

Effects of 8 antitumor drugs against the growth of human lung adenocarcinoma (LAX-83) transplanted under the kidney capsule of nude mice

Su-yin Zhang, Yu-hua Shu, Jia-liu Zhang, Zhen-qiang Lin, Chang-wen Xu


Nude mice, inoculated with LAX 83 in bilateral subrenal capsules, were used in experimental therapy with 8 antitumor drugs. Treatment was initiated 2 d after tumor inoculation. All the drugs were ip to the nude mice daily for 7 d. At the daily doses VCR 0.4, MMC 2, CCNU 16, cis-DDP 2, AdM 2.5, 5-Fu 30, CTX 40 and MTX 2-6 mg/kg, the inhibition of the tumor growth were 100, 95.8, 91.3, 79.2, 65.2, 60.7, 62.3 and 0%, respectively. The results indicated that the effects of the drugs on nude mice inoculated with LAX-83 in subrenal capsule not only exhibited a good correlation to those in sc, but also shortened the period of experiment from 22 to 11 d. Furthermore, when LAX-83 was inoculated into the subrenal capsule of Swiss +/+ mice, the tumor tissues degenerated and disintegrated 2 d after the inoculation and replaced by inflammatory granuloma tissues 6 d later.

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