Original Articles

Effects of acetylgastrodin on vertebral and internal carotid artery blood flow in anesthetized dogs and rabbits

Zhi-He Chen, Zheng-Xian Zhang, Xin-Hua Wang, Jian-Ming Xiang, Jian-Ming Xiong, Yun-Qiang Mo


Acetylgastrodin is a derivative of gastrodin which is an effective constituent of Gastrodia elata. In anesthetized dogs and rabbits, the hemodynamics with special reference to cerebral circulation were studied.
Following intraduodenally administration of acetylgastrodin suspension 200 mg/kg to dogs, the vertebral artery flow increased at 10-60 min (+15-30%, p<0.05. 0.01, n=8). The peak effect was reached at 30-40 min, but no obvious influences to left ventricular pressure, left ventricular dP/dt, left ventricular enddiastolic pressure, mean arteral pressure, cardiac output, total peripheral resistance and heart rate were observed (p>0.05, n=8). Similarly, the internal carotid flow of rabbits markedly increased (+24-111%, n=8, p<0.05, 0.01), but the cardiac output did not change.
The hemodynamics after intraduodenal saline had no significant change (p>0.05, n=8). However, in the same route, nicardipine 250 μg/kg caused a significant increase of internal carotid flow of rabbits (+41-88%, p<0.05, 0.01, n=8), with mild rise of cardiac output.
These results suggest that the effects of acetylgastrodin on cerebral circulation seem to be selective.

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