Original Articles

Effects of anticonvulsants on cyclic nucleotide contents in plasma and cerebellum of convulsive rats

Zi-Hui Jiang, Gui-Fang Cheng, Jia Chen, Li-Ping Wang, Ting-Chong Zhou


With radioimmunoassay of cyclic GMP and protein binding radiometric assay of cyclic AMP we studied the effects of clonazepam, diazepam and scopolamine on cyclic nucleotide contents in plasma and cerebellum of convulsive rats. Bicyclic phosphoester and soman induced convulsion in rats. Both bicyclic phosphoester (0.26μmol /kg ip) and soman (0.49μmol/kg sc) caused the increase of cerebellar cyclic GMP from 4.0±1.1 to 30±5 pmol/mg protein, p<0.01 and 5.3±1.0 to 12±4 pmol/mg protein, p<0.01 respectively; plasma cyclic AMP from 32±14 to 70±40 pmol/ml, p<0,01 and 46±18 to 90土40 pmol/ml, p<0.05 respectively. Clonazepam blocked the increase of plasma cyclic AMP and cerebellar cyclic GMP induced by bicyclic phosphoester. Diazepam prevented an increase of cerebellar cyclic GMP which was induced by soman.

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