Original Articles

Neural mechanism of bronchospasmolytic effect of sophocarpine hydrobromide

Ying-qu Li, Dan-fan Yao, Sheng-liang Yu, Jian-xin Wang, Cun-ren Liu, Yu Cheng


In the isolated trachea of guinea pigs, sophocarpine relaxed the smooth muscles. This effect was blocked by a previous administration of propranolol. The perfusion of isolated guinea pig lungs showed that sophocarpine did not block the M-receptors of bronchial smooth muscle. It did not alter the level of true cholinesterase in blood. The peripheral anti-ACh effect of sophocarpine was not prominent.
With the modified air overflow method injections of sophocarpine 4 mg/kg into vertebral artery or 0.8 mg/kg into cisterna cerebello-medullaris of rabbits blocked the bronchoconstrictor effect of ACh. Its central bronchospasmolytic effect was blocked by a previous injection of propranolol into vertebral artery or cisterna cerebello-medullaris.
It is suggested that the action of sophocarpine is via the β-receptors in CNS.

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