Original Articles

Gene expression profile induced by oral administration of baicalin and gardenin after focal brain ischemia in rats

Zhan-jun ZHANG, Zhong WANG, Xiao-yan ZHANG, Kang YING, Jian-xun LIU, Yong-yan WANG


Aim: To investigate differential gene expression and the pharmacological mechanism
of baicalin and gardenin in focal cerebral ischemia in rats with high-density
cDNA microarray. Methods: Rat left middle cerebral arteries were occluded and
treated with either baicalin or gardenin. The pharmacological effects were investigated
using the difference in infarction areas before and after treatment, which
were determined by 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) staining. Gene expression
was demonstrated using a “Biostar40S” gene microarray. Semiquantitative
reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was used to verify the
result of the selected genes. Results: Both baicalin and gardenin reduced the
infarction areas in focal cerebral ischemia rats (P<0.05). The differential genes
were 211, 177, and 70 (upregulated or downregulated) in the model group, baicalin,
and gardenin treatment groups compared with the sham-operated group,
respectively. Gene expression of RpL19 and Csnk2 underwent an approximately
1.9 and 2.1-fold increase, respectively, verified by semiquantitative RT-PCR, which
was the same trend as the cDNA microarray. Conclusion: Differential gene expression
with respect to the pharmacological effects of baicalin and gardenin on
focal cerebral ischemia by cDNA microarray revealed a number of clues with respect
to the therapeutic mechanisms of Chinese traditional medicine. In addition,
the present study provided theoretical and experimental evidence that will aid
future studies examining cerebral ischemia.