Original Article

Effects of indomethacin on joint damage in rat and rabbit

Bin Wang, Yu-You Yao, Min-Zhu Chen


AIM: To study the effects of indometacin (Ind) on joint damages.
METHODS: The volume of noninjected hind paw and interleukin-1 (IL-1) production from peritoneal macrophages and articular synoviocytes induced by lipopolysaccharides were assayed in adjuvant arthritis (AA) rats. Measurements of synovial fibroblast proliferative response and proteoglycan synthesis of cartilage from rabbits were used.
RESULTS: The secondary inflammatory reactions in AA rats on d 18, 21, and 24 were suppressed by i.g. Ind 2 mg.kg-1.d-1 for 9 d. Ind promoted IL-1 production from both macrophages and synoviocytes in AA rats. Ind 10 mumol.L-1 enhanced the proliferation of rabbit synovial fibroblasts and suppressed the proteoglycan synthesis of articular cartilage in response to IL-1 in vitro.
CONCLUSION: Ind is unfavorable to the repair of joint destruction.

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