Original Article

Effects of bimolane on immune responses in mice

Ning Dan, Tan-Mu Zhang


Bimolane (AT-1727), 1, 2-bis(4-morpholinomethyl-3,5-dioxopipera-zinyl)-ethane, has been reported to be clinically effective for malignant tumors and autoimmunc diseases in clinics. The effects of bimolane on the immune responses in normal mice have been studied in this experiment. Bimolane suppressed the PFC (plaque forming cells) response and decreased the number of SRFC (specific rosette form-ing cells) in mice sensitized with sheep red blood cells 1 d earlier. In the DTH (delayed-type hypersensitivity) model elicited by a challenge to BSA-sensitized mice with heat-aggregated BSA, the agent at the lower dosage (6.25 mg/kg.d) x 7, ip) obviously inhibited the immediate swelling response which was measured 3 h after elicitation. and at higher dosage (50 mg/(kg.d) x7 ip). it also suppressed the delayed swelling response determined 24 h after challenge. These results suggest that bimolane inhibits either humoral or cellular immunity in normal mice. with the inhibitory action on humoral immunity being more potent. Bimolane had no effect on the clearance rate of iv charcoal particles in normal mice.

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