Original Article

Effect of procainamide on pulmonary thromboembolism and platelet malondialdehyde in mice

Jian-Xin Pang, Li-Sha Sun, Xiao-Yan Wang, Su-Qin Yang, Chun-Wen Shan


AIM: To study the effect of procainamide (PA) on pulmonary thromboembolism, platelet malondialdehyde (MDA) level and platelet aggregation induced by collagen and adrenaline.
METHODS: Pulmonary thromboembolism, 2-thiobarbituric acid fluorescence micro-determination, conventional microscopic counting, and platelet aggregation test were used.
RESULTS: PA (10-20 mg.kg-1) and mannitol (200 mg.kg-1) reduced thrombosis by 30%-75% and 75%, respectively. Thrombocytopenia followed thrombosis increased after the pretreatment of PA and mannitol. MDA decreased by both of them in vivo. In vitro, PA inhibited platelet aggregation and MDA production induced concentration-dependently by collagen and adrenaline.
CONCLUSION: Inhibition of PA on pulmonary thromboembolism is involved in the decrease of platelet aggregation and MDA production.

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