Original Articles

Monoclonal antibody 3F3 against conformational epitope of Torpedo acetylcholinesterase

Feng-Hya Fu, Yu-Xia Wang, Feng-Zhen Li, Yan-Bin Xin, Man-Ji Sun


AIM: To study the type of epitope of native Torpedo acetylcholinesterase (AChE)
directed by its monoclonal antibody (McAb) 3F3.
METHODS: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used for the assay of the
reaction between antigen and antibody.
RESULTS: McAb 3F3 immunoreacted well with the native AChE, but not with the
reduced- and alkylated-AChE (RA-AChE) at all. Soman did not interfere the binding
of 3F3 with AChE molecule. The synthesized 24-peptide containing the active
serine residue of the AChE active center did not react with McAb 3F3.
CONCLUSION: 3F3 is a monoclonal antibody against the conformational epitope of
Torpedo AChE active center, but dose not occupy the active serine residue of the

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