Original Articles

Cyclosporine inhibited calcium-mediated apoptosis of HL-60 cells

Qi-Qing Huang, Min Fang, Hong-Qing Zhang, Shao-Bai Xue


AIM: To study the effects of cyclosporine (Cyc) on apoptosis of HL-60 cells.
METHODS: Apoptotic cells induced by harringtonine (Har), camptothecin (Cam), or
calcimycin (Cal), thapsigargin (Tha) were identified with DNA electrophoresis,
morphology, and flow cytometry. Relative [Ca2+]i alteration of apoptotic HL-60
cells were determined with flow cytometry.
RESULTS: Cal 1 mg.L-1 or Tha 0.5 mg.L-1 induced apoptosis of HL-60 cells. This
effect was inhibited by nontoxic concentration of Cyc 1 mg.L-1. Cyc did not
inhibit Har- or Cam-induced apoptosis of HL-60 cells. Both Cal and Tha increased
intracellular calcium, whereas Har or Cam did not.
CONCLUSION: Cyc inhibited apoptosis only induced by calcium increasement in HL-60
cells. The mechanism of apoptosis induced by Cal or Tha was different from that
by Har or Cam.

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