Original Article

Enhancement of absorption of tetramethylpyrazine by synthetic borneol

Tie-feng CHEN, Shu-guang LIN, Lu-xi CHEN, Gui-fen JIANG, Zhao-yan LIANG, Ming YANG, Yi-zhi QIAN, Yan-ai XIE


Sprague-Dawley rats were given ig tetramethylpyrazine phosphate (TMP) 5 mg/kg with or without previous borneol 5 mg/kg. The plasma TMP concentrations were analysed by GC method, and the data were treated by NONLIN program. The Cmax were 931 and 562 ng/ml, respectively, (P less than 0.01); while the AUC were 68,849 and 37,174, respectively, (P less than 0.05). It is suggested that the borneol enhances the absorption of the TMP but not in elimination.

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