Original Articles

Effects of anisodine on EEG and behavior of cats (author's transl)

Jian-zhong Peng, Zeng-xing Chen, Xian-yu Chen


Anisodine is a new alkaloid isolated from Scopolia tangutica. It has a hydroxy group on the tropic acid moiety of scopolamine. This paper reports the results of a comparative study of 1) effects of anisodine-HBr and scopolamine-HBr on the spontaneous cortical electrical activity and behavior of cats; 2) antagonistic effects of physostigmine and areco line.
The experiments were performed on unrestrained cats with implanted electrodes. The minimal ip dose of anisodine inducing synchronization was 0.5 mg/kg and the doses blocking arousal response of the EEG and those inducing behavioral excitement were 3—4 mg/kg, which were l0—12 times larger than those of scopolamine.
When high - degree synchronization and blockade of arousal response were induced on the EEG by both drugs, the dissociation of behavioral and EEG effects were observed.
The changes induced by anisodine and scopolamine on EEG could be antagonized by either physostigmine (0.3-0.5 ms/kg, ip) or arecoline (10-15 mg/kg, ip). The antagonistic effect of physostigmine appeared less promptly but persisted longer than that of arecoline which sometimes caused vomiting and stimulation of the CNS.
These results indicate that the action of anisodine is similar to,but weaker than, that of scopolamine.

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